mosaic artist

Mosaic work in ceramic tile, stone and glass

Westerly, RI mosaic artist for house numbers and other mosaic art

Mosaic house number 12 Cute mosaic with three magi Cute mosaic three magi in progress Nantucket lightship basket ivory pin Nantucket lightship basket cane Nantucket lightship basket shop chair

Artistic mosaic house numbers

Ever curious, I took a mosaic class from the famous mosaic artist, Deb Aldo, in 2021.

I'm just getting started in the mosaic world and am figuring out what materials I like best.

I've bought beautiful cinca tile and authentic Italian glass. I've smashed plates from the Johnnycake Center. I used cracked mugs I've saved over time just because I loved them. I've even bought single sheets of marble tile from Home Depot to try.

I'm not sure yet which will be my

While he studied, so did she. Betty earned a nursing degree at Deaconess College of Nursing, a skill she would depend on ten years later.

Mosaics are HARD!

Putting broken and cut pieces of hard stuff together is hard. Straight lines sound so easy, but they're deceptively tricky.

Artwork looks very different on the table in front of you, but snap a pic of it, and you'll see things differently.

Learning the rules

Rules exist in the mosaic world. But like all rules in art, they're meant to be both followed and broken.

The Romans avoided triangles. Hence, classic mosaic art design typically follows these rules. But triangles are impossible to 100% avoid.


Personal work

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